It’s a New Year…

As the new year approaches EVERYONE will be on the healthy and fit bandwagon. Which is good, but why do we wait until the start of a new year? God wakes us up everyday with a brand new day and fresh start. What happened yesterday is gone, you’ll never see that day again. So I ask, “Why do we wait until the start of a new year to get healthy and fit?  From January to around April/May the gyms are packed. (I know I use to teach spin class at Golds gym and there would not be 1 bike available). It’s a new year but the same you.  Meaning you’ll do it because it’s a new year but after the “newness” wears off, you’ll fall back into your old routine and habits. WHY?

When I think about why people don’t stick with this lifestyle (and yes, it’s a life style) I’ve come to the conclusion that their seeking something that is missing. Whether it’s approval from a spouse, trying to look like image they’ve seen or maybe trying to overcome something that has been an obstacle in their life. Often times these things can block you from looking at yourself and realizing this one important thing…I LOVE ME. Losing weight is not always the answer to why you’re overweight or obese. Sometimes you have to look within, search your soul and get in touch with your spirit and see why it is, you do what you do. Ask yourself, “Why do I over eat when I’m sad?” “Why do I start working out and quit after a month?” “Why am I wasting money for a gym membership?” These are just a few examples.  What is your WHY????

While it may take some time to find the root cause of why you’re not making heath and fitness a life style, don’t give up.  I want to encourage you to start NOW. Start TODAY. Don’t wait until it’s trending on social media and EVERYONE is doing it. Then you won’t be able to get a good self evaluation because of all the post, tweets and photos become a distraction and will focus on losing weight and not self love. Remember this is lifestyle, not a fad or diet. If you need guidance I’m always available to help contact me here.

Loving Me Inside & Out,



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