What does your fitness apparel say about you?

Believe it or not what you wear sometimes say more than spoken words. I know you heard of the saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but sometimes we do. Now, I’m not a psychologist these are just my thoughts. You may agree and you may not, but I thought this was a good blog topic to talk about. So lets get started.

The first group of ladies are the “All black and Everything must match” wearers. Wearing all black can be empowering, help build confidence and a great way camouflage certain areas. I love wearing black fitness clothes. You can virtually wear black with any other color and still make it look good. Black fitness wear is a must and every women should own a few good pair of black leggings, a sports bra and jacket. The everything must match, was me before kids. LOL… The sports bra, shirt, pants and shoes all had to match when I went to the gym, but now that I train in my own home studio, my fitness apparel doesn’t always match. Especially if no one is going to see me. My must match ladies take time to select their workout apparel just like their regular clothes. These ladies are detail oriented and planners.

The second group are my ladies, are those that live for a baggy oversized shirt and sweat pants. These ladies may be a little afraid to wear spandex because of their current weight, so they try to cover up as much as possible. Some may lack self esteem and confidence to wear form fitting clothes even if they’re not over weight. They’re view of their body image may cause them to think they need to be completely covered. I call this the “Boyfriend” look. It’s a cute style, but not for working out. (in my opinion) Big baggy clothes can get in the way of getting a good workout in, at least for me anyway. The more you sweat, the bigger the shirt gets, it starts to stick to you, and fit or feel doesn’t look good.  But, this look is definitely one of my favorites for hanging out with my husband and kids at home.

The third group of ladies are my “Leggings are pants” ladies. This is me. I wear leggings at least 4-5 days a week. Spandex, compression, cotton, mesh, plain, printed, polyester, supplex you name it, I wear it. I love a good pair of leggings. Leggings are so versatile. You can pair it with a sports bra and tank top for a work out or a sweatshirt for a day out shopping. The ladies that wear leggings go for comfort and can express their individual style with different types leggings.  These ladies also are comfortable in their skin and could care less what someone may think or say about them wearing leggings.

The final group of ladies are those that I call my “I’m here to workout” ladies. These ladies are some of my favorites. They’re on a mission and if it matches or fits isn’t their focus. Their main goal is to get the workout done! They could have on a combination of all the above.  These ladies may not be into fashion or style. They have a job to do and that’s it. What they wear isn’t going to improve or stop their performance. Again this is just my view and opinion. What you wear doesn’t speak for your personality, character or the type of person you are. It’s all about expressing your own style.

I hope you  enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Leave me a comment below telling me what group you’re in. If you’re like me you’re a little of the all 🙂

Loving Me Inside & Out,


2 thoughts on “What does your fitness apparel say about you?”

  1. I guess I am a mash-up of all these ladies – just depends on what’s going on. With more and more ILMB/Divafit I am finding myself matching more frequently and putting my outfits together is much simpler since my collection is growing. Thank you for designing so many great options to help with self-expression while working out.

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