Are you an ILMB woman?

Are you an ILMB woman? Now really ponder the question. Do you LOVE YOUR BODY? Or do you think you do? Hmmm… Let me share with you the reason I asked. Because I had to ask myself this question ALOT. After I gave birth to my daughter Kherrington and came home without her it was the HARDEST thing I’ve EVER experienced in my life. Having had a healthy, full term (matter of fact past my due date) pregnancy, I was so ready to see my daughter that I dreams about the moment we would meet. Never did I dream that I would meet her and say goodbye at the same time.

Once I came home, my body didn’t know that my baby was not alive. It responded in it’s natural course, and that made it harder. I had to look at my C-section incision as a daily reminder that my baby was gone. Not to mention the 47 pounds I had gained during the pregnancy.  How was I suppose to LOVE my body when I felt as if it may have been the cause of my baby not being here. How was I suppose to find the motivation and drive to get healthy and fit again. One answer, MY SON. My son was the motivating factor in my recovery. Yes, it was a recovery because I had to heal physically and mentally.  Having been raised in the word, it was my faith and trust in God that helped me through, plus all the love and support of my family. Please don’t get me wrong, it was rough! I cried, yelled, questioned and screamed at God but. Always asking the same thing, WHY? WHY, my baby? But in the end I had to trust HIM. Trust that He knew what was best and that I was strong enough to handle this.

Now that was my journey to Loving Me. What is yours? Loving the skin you’re in sounds easy and you may even as, “how can a person not love themselves?” When they think that someone else’s body looks better and they want their body.  We look at photos of other women, we admire their shape, size, abs, butt, and legs which is okay. It’s when we start to compare ourselves to other women is where the damage is done.  Just like many people don’t know my story and wouldn’t have never guessed it. The same is true with the women we look at and what to be like. You don’t know what she’s done to look the way she looks.  The diets, the time in the gym , even surgery. You’re YOU! Unique, one of a kind, there’s NO ONE else on this planet like you! Be proud of that. While it’s okay to admire the hard work that it takes for a certain body image, don’t strive to be like that person. Have your own body image goals. Everyone was not created to be a size 2. Find out what it is about you that makes you feel like “BAM! I  LOVE MY BODY!!” no matter the size and make the changes you need to in your lifestyle (eating clean & working out) to make you a better, healthier, happier you!

Loving Me Inside & Out,



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