Caring for your ivestment

Being healthy and fit and buying workout apparel can be expensive. A sports bra can cost as much as $50 while a good pair of quality leggings can go for as much as $100 or more (not ours of course). Let me ask you a question. How do you care for them? Do you workout, take them off and put them in the hamper with your other clothes and wash them whenever? I use too. Until I started to notice after a while my clothes didn’t look as good as they did before. Not to mention, if you sweat a lot the smell.  I sweat but unlike most my sweat smells like roses…LOL!

As a fitness apparel designer it takes a lot of time and effort to design and find the right fabric for an item to ensure it will look as I envisioned it.  It can take me weeks to get 1 piece right. So taking the time to care of my fitness clothes has become really important. It requires a little bit more effort than just washing them.  Here are a few things that I do to ensure that my investment stays looking like new for as long as they can.

  1. After I work out I allow the clothes to air dry on a drying rack or over the tub BEFORE I place them into the hamper.
  2. Read the label. Follow the care instructions.
  3. Wash everything in cold water. (Research as shown that cold water is best for durability and longevity)
  4. Use fabric softener.  Keeps the garments soft and colorful.
  5. Use a mesh bag if washing with other clothes other than workout clothes.
  6. Dry on low heat or air dry FLAT

Now this may seem like a lot to do for workout clothes but if you’re spending a lot of money on them you want to take care of them so they’ll last. Even if you don’t spend a lot on your fitness clothes (which you don’t have to)  you still want to keep them looking good. Fitness is a lifestyle and in this lifestyle you want to look your best no matter how much the apparel cost.  Leave a comment and share any tips you may have on how to keep your fitness wear looking new.






1 thought on “Caring for your ivestment”

  1. Amanda Washington

    These are great ideas/suggesitons. I don’t always wash everything in cold water however going forward I will. I normally don’t use mesh bags for my workout garments only for under garments. I will start washing them in the mesh bags now because I really love my ILMB clothes and want them to last a long time. The quality is great and I want them to stay looking new just as if I bought them yesterday. Thank you for the great advice.

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